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Welcome to the Division 8, District 13 Web Site

Map of Washington showing Div-8 Flotilla locations 
Welcome to Division 8
Division 8, USCG District 13, is a Division of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and is comprised of volunteers from the Tri-Cities, Spokane Valley, & Yakima communities in Eastern Washington and the communities of Coeur d’ Alene & Sandpoint in Northern Idaho. We invite you to join the Auxiliary and become part of Team Coast Guard.
Auxiliarist’s assist the Coast Guard and local agencies in non-law enforcement programs by operating safety patrols on local waterways, conducting search and rescue missions, assisting with Waterway Watch and environmental protection. We verify boating Aids to Navigation (ATON’s) on our rivers and lakes and are an integral part of Homeland Security.
Auxiliarists promote boating safety by teaching boating safety classes, conducting vessel safety checks and participating at public boating safety and informational events.
To learn more about "America's Volunteer Lifesavers" please visit us at this website or in person at our local meetings.
Semper Paratus,
Division Commander
Semper Paratus is a Latin phrase, meaning "Always Ready" and is the official motto of the United States Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary is an integral part of Team Coast Guard.
 Learn about the Coast Guard Auxiliary
at these links

Washington State Mandatory

Boating Education Program

The Washington State mandatory boating education          requirement by age group is as follows:                                      

  • All boat operators born on or after Jan 1, 1955, must have a WA Boater Education Card

  • Born before 1 Jan 1955 Boater Education Card not required
    Per RCW 79A,60.640

Excerpts of Washington RCW 79A.60.630

>>More information on the Washington Mandatory Boating Education Law